Auteur : @markusspiske - Unsplash




Mobility habits have changed a great deal in recent years. Patterns draws on digital technology to provide new analysis solutions and a fresh, continuous view of mobility in France through up-to-date indicators.

The Covid pandemic, major construction projects (Grand Paris Express, TGV, etc.), growing environmental awareness, mobile apps, the sharing economy... mobility habits have changed a great deal in recent years. If we want to monitor and anticipate these changes, the usual indicators are often out of date or only apply to a few big cities (surveys, counts, etc.).

Patterns uses data from mobile apps to offer a continuous view of mobility in France.


This monitoring and analysis tool blends an initial set of indicators to provide information on travel habits in an extended selection of French towns (with a population over 30,000).

Updated monthly, the data follows evolutions in mobility in response to the passing seasons and events.